Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Multiple choice questions, Units - Dimensions

1 . 1KWH is unit of

Ans : 1.Time 2. Power 3. Energy 4. Stress

2. Unit of Intensity of magnetic induction field is

Ans : 1.N/Am 2. Tesla 3.Wbm^{-2} 4. All above

3. Which of the following has no units?

Ans : 1. Thermal capacity 2. Magnetic susceptibility 3. Angular acceleration 4. Moment of a magnet

4.Which one of the following units is a fundamental unit?

Ans : 1. watt 2. joule/sec 3. ampere 4. newton

5. 10^5 Fermi is equal to

Ans : 1. 1 meter 2. 100 micron 3. 1angstrom unit 4. 1 mm

6. kg m/sec is the unit of

Ans : 1. Impulse 2. Angular acceleration 3 . Capacity of condenser 4. Acceleration.

7. candela is the unit of

Ans : 1. Magnetic flux 2. Intensity of electric field 3. Luminous intensity 4. Charge

8. If 10 newton = X dynes, the value of x is

Ans : 1. 10^6 2.10^4 3.10^8 4.10^3

9. 1 KWh is equal to

Ans : 1. 360 J 2. 1800 J 3.1800\times10^5J 4. 360\times10^5J

10. Which of the following is a common unit of a physical quantity in M.K.S & S.I systems.

Ans : 1. ampere 2.kelvin 3. mole 4. joule/sec

11. The fundamental unit which is common in F.P.S and M.K.S systems is

Ans : 1. foot 2. sec 3. kilo gram 4. pound

12. Which of the following is Unit of time?

Ans 1. Lunar Month 2. Kelvin 3. candela 4. Light year

13. Boltzman’s constant and planck’s constant differ in the dimensions of

Ans : 1. Time and temperature 2. Mass and temperature 3. Length and mass 4. Length and time .

14. Magnetic induction and magnetic flux differ in the dimensions of

Ans : 1 Time 2. Mass 3.Electric current 4.Length

15.Which of the following is a fundamental quantity in M.K.S and C.G.S systems.

16 . rad / sec is the unit of

Ans : 1.Angular displacement 2. Angular velocity 3. Angular acceleration 4. Angular momentum .

17 . The ratio of S.I unit of K.E to C.G.S unit of K.E is

Ans : 1. 10^7 2. 10^{-7} 3. 10^{-5} 4. 10^5

18. If u_1 and u_2 are the units of a physical quantity and n_1n_1 are the numerical values, then

Ans : 1. \frac{n_1}{n_2} =\frac{u_1}{u_2} 2. \frac{n_2}{n_1} =\frac{u_1}{u_2} 3.\frac{n_1}{n_2}^2 =\frac{u_1}{u_2} 4. None of the above

19. which one of the following is the unit of energy.

Ans : 1. newton 2. N/sec 3. N - sec 4.None of the above

20. Which of the following is not a unit of power .

Ans : 1. Watt 2. joule/hr 3. Nm/sec 4. N/sec

21 . The physical quantity having units of mass is

Ans: 1. Density 2. Momentum 3. Inertia 4. Moment of force

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